About Us

Our mission at jobelate.com is to match people with their ideal jobs.

We probably look like just another job search site, and that's not far from the truth right now. But in the background we have a powerful and complex job recommendation engine. It's going to chew away at all the data generated by our users' clicks and clacks, and eventually be able to spit out the ideal job for the ideal candidate (and vice-versa).

Included in our plans is the offering of a robust job search management platform for jobseekers to use. There are so many job sites and job postings and resumes and interviews (are you pulling your hair out yet?) that keeping track of all of them can be difficult. We aim to change that, and to do it for free.

But what's the use of a job website without a comprehensive set of tools for employers? They're the other half of the ideal-job equation. Not only are we preparing a great user experience with tons of features and lots of metrics, but we'll be offering it at a price so competitive that it will cause the jaws to drop of all the other job board CEOs. There's no reason that recruiting should cost a fortune, and it should be easy and painless as well!

For now, enjoy our exciting job search platform, and please let us know what you think!


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